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Practice: Our Approach

Research indicates that fewer than 20% of traditional executive education participants reduce content to practice. Our “EPC Meetings” innovation reverses this statistic by coaching learners on applying content to specific challenges found in their own workflows. These EPC Meetings turn learners' workplaces into learning laboratories and create “micro learning communities” through which additional techniques, tips, and tricks can be relayed and practiced. 

EPC Meetings

Rarely do learners receive ongoing coaching from subject matter experts as they apply new concepts in their workflow. At EPC Learning Labs, the opportunity for ongoing coaching from this expert is pivotal for accelerating leadership development. 


Learners are organized into micro learning communities comprised of 4 to 5 peers. These groups participate in 1-hour EPC meetings with the content expert at 2 weeks, and then again at 4 weeks, after the content sessions. During EPC meetings, the expert explores with group members what they did well in applying the content in their workflow (the learning lab) and what they might have done better. Our expert coaches and offers further insights, nuance, techniques, and guidance in response to application experiences.

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